The Most Scalable Online Coaching Business For 2024

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Jon Mac

In 2010, I started my entrepreneurial career by launching an online business that made over a million dollars in profit during its first year. Since 2017, I have helped over…

Key Take-aways

  • Blueprint for Success: John Mac shares the exact strategy to reach $100K per month in an online coaching business, emphasizing how achievable this is with the right system.
  • Pricing Strategy: Standard pricing for a 90-day coaching program should be around $3,500 to $5,000. Start lower if necessary and raise prices as you gain experience.
  • Client Acquisition: To hit $100K per month, you only need 30 clients at $3,500 each. It’s achievable even for beginners, with a focus on gaining just two clients per month.
  • Monthly Recurring Revenue (MRR): Focus on MRR by offering monthly payment plans, which provides stable, predictable income and compounds over time.
  • Financial Freedom: Growing MRR allows for financial freedom, eliminating the need for constant hustle and providing steady income that grows each month.
  • Full Payment Strategy: Offer a 10-15% discount to encourage clients to pay in full, providing an immediate cash flow boost.
  • Building a Scalable Business: Once MRR hits $10K or more, scaling to $100K months becomes much easier, allowing for a more sustainable, scalable coaching business model.
  • Time Freedom: With a stable income stream, coaches can enjoy time off and vacations without worrying about their business collapsing.
  • Success Stories: Real-life examples of clients achieving 10K days and 50K months after applying John Mac’s strategies.
  • Free Training: John Mac offers free training on the “Freedom Funnel” to help coaches implement these strategies and hit consistent $100K months.

The Blueprint for a 100K Month Coaching Business

Imagine hitting $100,000 a month in your online coaching business—sounds like a dream, right? Well, it’s more attainable than you might think. In this guide, I’m going to walk you through the exact blueprint that helped me achieve those numbers, and it can do the same for you. Whether you’re just starting out or already have a few clients, these strategies can completely transform your business.

From Struggle to Success

Let’s take a trip back in time. When I first started my coaching journey, I was far from where I am now. Like many entrepreneurs, I struggled—sitting in a cramped apartment, eating ramen, and dreaming of financial freedom. But today, I’ve helped over 10,000 entrepreneurs make over $515 million online, and I’m going to show you exactly how to scale to six-figure months.

Maybe you’re tired of living paycheck to paycheck, or you want to quit your 9-to-5 and go all in on your passion. Whatever your reason, I’ve been there, and I can help you get to where you want to be. The dream of hitting $100K a month isn’t just for a select few—it’s totally within your reach.

Pricing Strategy for Your Coaching Business

The first step toward hitting $100K per month is getting your pricing on point. In the online coaching world, the standard price for a 90-day program is around $5,000. Now, you might be thinking, “That’s a lot! No one’s going to pay me that much!” But think about the life-changing value you’re offering. For instance, if you’re a fitness coach, how much is it worth for someone to feel confident in their own skin, live a healthier life, and add years to their lifespan?

If $5,000 feels like a stretch, start at $3,500—you can always raise your prices later. For now, we’ll use $3,500 as our baseline.

Breaking Down the Numbers

To reach $100K a month, you don’t need hundreds of clients. Let’s break it down:

  • To make $10K per month at $3,500 per client, you only need three clients.
  • To scale to $100K per month, you need 30 clients paying $3,500 each.

Even if you’re starting from scratch with no clients, finding two clients a month is totally achievable. If you’re engaging on social media and creating content, potential clients are already reaching out to you—you just need to learn how to close them.

Monthly Recurring Revenue: The Secret Sauce

Most clients won’t pay in full upfront, and that’s okay. In fact, 80% of your clients will choose monthly payments, and this is what builds monthly recurring revenue (MRR). MRR is the foundation of your business—it’s the steady income that keeps coming in month after month. For example:

  • If you sign three clients this month, each paying $1,000 per month, you’ll have $3,500 in MRR.
  • Add three more clients next month, and now you’re at $7,000 MRR.

As MRR grows, your income becomes more predictable, making it easier to scale your business. Clients who pay in full are like bonus checks—extra cash flow that takes you over the top.

Achieving Financial Freedom

Imagine having $10,000 or $15,000 in your bank account before you even start your day—that’s the power of MRR. As your recurring income grows, so does your financial freedom. You’ll be able to quit the job you hate, take that dream vacation, or simply enjoy life without constantly worrying about money. And remember, this isn’t just about money—it’s about building a life and business on your own terms.

Encouraging Clients to Pay in Full

Want more clients to pay in full? It’s all about giving them a reason to act now. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Offer a small discount (10-15%) for paying upfront. For example, on a $3,500 program, a client might save $500 by paying in full.
  2. During your sales call, ask, “Would you like to take advantage of the discount and pay in full, or would you prefer monthly payments?” This subtly encourages them to pay in full, while still giving them options.

Building a Sustainable Coaching Business

Once you’ve built your monthly recurring revenue to $10,000 or more, hitting $100K a month consistently becomes much easier. Your income will continue to grow as you add more clients to your roster. With each new client, your business becomes more sustainable and scalable—giving you the freedom to focus on what matters most: your life, your family, and your passion for coaching.

Free Training: Your Next Step

If this blueprint resonates with you, and you’re ready to stop dreaming and start building your $100K per month coaching business, I invite you to watch my free training. In this training, I’ll walk you through the Freedom Funnel, the exact strategy that’s helped countless coaches hit six-figure months.

Click the link in the description to get started, and if you need help implementing any of this, you can also book a call with our team. We’ll work with you to create a personalized game plan that will take you from where you are now to consistent $100K months. This is your chance to turn those dreams into a reality.

The Time to Act is Now

You’ve got the blueprint for success—now it’s time to take action. Whether you’re just getting started or looking to scale your coaching business, hitting $100K a month is closer than you think. Keep pushing, keep learning, and keep growing—your dream coaching business is waiting for you.

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