TikTok Algorithm Tips: How to Boost Your Views and Followers

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Jon Mac

In 2010, I started my entrepreneurial career by launching an online business that made over a million dollars in profit during its first year. Since 2017, I have helped over…

Key Take-aways

  • Understanding the TikTok Algorithm: TikTok’s algorithm promotes engaging content that holds viewers’ attention. It pushes videos that have high average watch time and relevance to a specific audience.
  • Why Views Are Low: Low watch time or targeting the wrong audience are the main reasons for low views.
  • Optimize for Your Niche: Include relevant keywords, trending sounds, and hooks to target the right audience and maximize visibility.
  • Leverage Short Videos and Storytelling: Keep videos short to improve retention and use storytelling to keep viewers engaged until the end.
  • Analyze Performance and Feedback: Use TikTok’s analytics to assess performance, audience demographics, and viewer feedback to continuously improve content.

Introduction to the TikTok Algorithm

If you’ve been struggling to get views on your TikTok videos, it can feel like the algorithm is working against you. In reality, TikTok’s algorithm is designed to show your videos to people who are most likely to watch and enjoy them. It uses machine learning to analyze user behavior and deliver the most relevant content. However, low views are usually due to one of two reasons:

  • Your videos aren’t engaging enough to hold viewers’ attention.
  • TikTok isn’t sure who to show your videos to, resulting in the wrong audience seeing them.

Reasons for Low Views

TikTok’s algorithm favors videos with high average watch time. If viewers are consistently watching your videos all the way through, TikTok will push your content to more people. On the other hand, if viewers swipe away after a few seconds, it signals that your video isn’t engaging enough, and TikTok will stop showing it to more people. The other reason could be that TikTok doesn’t know your target audience, especially if you’re just starting out.

Optimizing for Your Niche

To get TikTok to show your videos to the right audience, it’s important to optimize your content for your specific niche. Follow these steps:

  • Identify your target audience’s pain points, desires, and goals, and create content that resonates with them.
  • Include relevant keywords in your title, description, and on-screen text to help TikTok categorize your content.
  • Use engaging hooks in the first few seconds to grab attention and stop the scroll.
  • Utilize trending sounds and challenges, but put your unique spin on them to stand out.

The Importance of Watch Time

Watch time is a crucial factor in TikTok’s algorithm. You can increase watch time by keeping your videos short and snappy—15 to 60 seconds is ideal. Pack as much value as possible into a short window of time and avoid lengthy intros. Use dynamic editing techniques like jump cuts and b-roll to maintain a fast-paced, engaging video.

If you need to post a longer video, consider breaking it up into shorter segments or creating a series to keep viewers engaged.

Using Storytelling Techniques

Storytelling is a powerful tool to boost retention, even in short videos. Focus on having a clear beginning, middle, and end. Use suspense and open loops to encourage viewers to stick around until the end. You can also use frameworks like the Hero’s Journey to create a compelling narrative that draws viewers in.

Analyzing Your Content Performance

Regularly check TikTok’s analytics to assess your videos’ performance. Look at average watch time, engagement rates, and the demographics of your audience. Use this information to refine your content and better cater to your target audience.

Engaging with Follower Feedback

In addition to TikTok’s analytics, pay close attention to viewer feedback through comments and messages. This feedback can inspire new content ideas and help you improve your videos. Respond to comments and build genuine connections with your audience to boost engagement and increase visibility.

Final Thoughts

Success on TikTok comes from continuously refining your content based on performance and feedback. Stay focused on delivering value to your audience, experiment with new ideas, and use TikTok’s algorithm to your advantage. With time, effort, and a commitment to improvement, you can grow your views and followers on TikTok.